Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bulid Your Own Web Cast

Updated May 1, 2012

Have you ever thought about starting your own radio or TV show? If your answer is yes then you do not need to go to a radio station or a television studio to make that dream come true. 

In Teaching‘N Technology, a technology site used to give web technology advice, they mentioned that all you need to start a web cast is a web camera and a microphone.

You might be thinking, “Why you would want to start your own web broadcast?” Web broadcasting provides a variety of benefits for businesses and individuals who might not have the cost to use regular radio or video broadcasting. In the blog, Talk Point, it provides five reasons to why it is a good idea to use a web broadcast. An increase in attendance is the number one reason from talk point. A broadcast can reach a wide variety of people. If a fan is not able to attend your event or make your live cast; the web allows you to store your cast in archives. This way your fans are able to watch your cast on their own time.

Whether you are interested in making a career out of web broadcast or using it to voice your opinion, it can be a successful venture. Lex and Terry, a radio station I listen to, streams a web cast during their live shows. This gives listeners the opportunity to catch their shows at any time. The live stream also lets viewers watch the skits live.

One advantage to web casting is having less censorship on what you can say or can not say. As quoted in The Right to Freedom of Thought , “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

This statement sounds like web casting would be the best media to voice all types of issues, right? However, new laws like SOPA (Stop Online Privacy Act) are looking at stopping users from useing copyrighted material. In web broadcasting it can be easy to post a video on your stream or website. It is important to know that this law could close your site if the material is not your own.

Web broadcasting is a service that is beneficial to everyone from sports commentators who have their own shows to University television/radio shows. Web broadcasting is not a particularly new medium, but it is one that has potential and opportunities.

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